This website aims to offer information and messages of love and encouragement from the angelic and higher vibrational realms. Also access to their healing and help in expanding our conscious-ness in this time of major and wonderful transition on Planet Earth.
Welcome Bright Souls
We are ALL part of the Divine. We are all here on planet Earth at this time to bring through the purest aspect of ourselves - our love, and the light of the Divine that shines through us.
Our beautiful planet Earth is at a transition now. She is moving from a third dimensional reality into the higher fifth dimension – one of unity, peace and wellbeing and massive transformational changes in how we live and in our understanding of the universe and our place within it. We on planet Earth are here to help her to make this shift, and to also undertake this divine transformation ourselves. It is time for us to ascend to a higher way of being.
We all agreed, before we came to Earth at this time that we would assist this transformation and would take on specific roles and tasks while here. As we incarnated we forgot this – a condition of our existence on planet Earth in its third dimensional format. Now it is time for all of us to awaken to who and what we truly are; to find out, discover, our role here and to get to work fulfilling our own individual ‘mission’.
Do not be mistaken. Every one of us has a specific role, a task or tasks to complete, here on Earth at this momentous time. We are all truly blessed. This is a time of joy, unity, understanding, compassion and love.
As part of the divine source, we are all one.
We are, fundamentally, all beings of love and light. Part of our preparation for our individual tasks is to cleanse and clear ourselves of any blocks – emotional, mental, spiritual - that may be clouding our view, getting in the way of our realising our splendour and living as that being, that spark of divine brilliance. Some of us are aware of this, some are in process of waking up to this - catching glimpses of awareness and enlightenment that are seeding rapid development. Some are yet to awaken to this truth.
We are potential masters on this earth at this time. We just need to understand and realise this and merge with the higher aspect of ourselves. Sovereign beings of love, light, purity – strength and divine purpose.
The angels, archangels, ascended masters (for example Buddha, St Germain, Hilarion) and beings of pure light and love across galactic neighbours such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Antares, Lyra, Andromeda, are here to help planet Earth and humanity through this wonderful process of change. They have been here for many decades, in some cases millennia, helping us to prepare for this time. As we grow, other beings of pure love and light from farther reaches of the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse even, are being drawn to this planet to offer their help and guidance and, in some instances, to observe and even learn from events here at this time.
As we shed the remnant of our third dimensional existence – separation, frustration, ignorance and fear – we take steps to move into a new joyful way of being which frees us to be who we really are. We have been preparing for this lifetime for many, many incarnations. The purpose is the here, the now. The planet is changing, moving up into a higher dimension that opens doors to much higher awareness - ascending - and we all have a part, our unique role, to play in both her change and our pathway upwards – our ascension.
The peace and joy that descends on us when we are on our true path… is unparalleled
It’s a real hunger of the soul to discover itself and to then do what is necessary to nourish it and then get on the path for the work and purpose it came here to undertake and achieve. From this, only, comes true soul satisfaction and peace and contentment; self respect, even, at a very deep level. We are honouring our divine selves when we align with our true being and purpose and step forward to take up our genuine roles here. The peace and joy that descends on us when we are on our true path, undertaking our work on planet Earth in these times, is unparalleled.
Now is the time to reconnect with the higher aspects of ourselves and with the universe. To access and reveal to ourselves the true essence of our being and our individual purposes for this time and to grasp who and what we really are. To step forward on our paths towards fulfilling our roles here on Earth at this time.