Who am I?… Who are We?
I recall, as a small child, standing in the garden watching a butterfly land on a bush in front of me and flit between the flower heads. The beauty, delicacy and complexity of the butterfly and flowers fascinated and totally absorbed me. I remember somehow reasoning then that the butterfly and the flowers were an aspect, a part, of God. Then I realised – or maybe I remembered - that I too was a part of God, that all beings, all of us, are part of God.
I remember when I was about thirteen looking out into the evening stillness of the garden, feeling particularly wistful. I became suddenly aware of the immensity and perfection of all things. A feeling of massive expansion enfolded me and I was shown an image that I took to represent the cosmos, a mass of energy swirling around a central point of intensity. I knew without any doubt whatsoever that all was absolutely perfect in the universe and that nothing whatsoever, no event in my life, in this world, mattered at all. All hurts, difficulties, worries, my own perpetual sense of isolation – the passage of one or many lifetimes – were minute and inconsequential within this vast stream of amazing consciousness. This was Truth. For two or three minutes, maybe, my entire being – soul, spirit - was engulfed in total bliss of relief and awareness of this perspective which I took to be (an aspect of) enlightenment.
As the intensity of this experience faded I realised that it would be impossible to adequately explain it to anyone around me. I sensed it had little or nothing to do with ‘religion’, and it was many years before I spoke about what had happened. I didn’t then know ‘how’ I was going to continue to live my life with this new knowledge and awareness but I did know that it would be my life’s purpose to understand just who and what I was, what I AM. I felt also that I had a specific job to do here on planet Earth, a purpose, a mission, even.
My name is Ann-Marie and I live on the Isle of Wight. I have been blessed with an interesting life, and a challenging one. My recall of experiencing these milestones of awareness and knowing that I have a purpose in this life has supported and sustained me through some grim times. For many years I felt a misfit, unwelcome, and unable to comfortably connect or communicate with people around me.
I was naturally drawn to exploring energy work and healing and developing my spirituality - alongside work and, eventually, a family. I have travelled a fair bit and worked mainly in business. I have generally welcomed unusual situations as opportunities to increase my awareness, empathy and understanding. Over time I have gained balance, peace and happiness.
Now, I find myself a channel for providing healing energy for others as well as for myself, and also guidance from the angelic and light realms. I have discovered and learned much in my personal journey from despair into the light and joy. I’ve realised that we are all challenged in our lives; we just have different challenges tailored to our individual lessons to be learned in any lifetime. Most importantly, I have come to understand that now is a hugely important time on planet Earth and to realise that all of us here at this time have a vital role, a mission, to fulfil. Every one of us.