(Inspirational Guidance Towards a New Era) – Channelled Messages from the Archangel Metatron

A series of channelled messages has been gifted to us from the Archangel Metatron, said to be the ‘king of the angels’, the scribe who takes down God’s words, and the one who deals with transition and evolution across the universes.

Archangel Metatron has asked that information be made available setting out, in straightforward terms, what is happening now on planet Earth, why it is happening, our role in these events as they unfold, and how we can all help to bring in the required changes quickly, evolving ourselves into the bright, enlightened and masterful cosmic beings that is our true nature in the process. 

Of this aspect of his role Archangel Metatron states:

I am Metatron. I am the great architect of the shift on planet Earth from the third dimension to the fifth dimension – and beyond, as most beings on earth at this time come from the higher dimensions. I am orchestrating the changes on planet Earth with the help of very many beings of light and love from across the universe, from the other universes, to help and assist on planet Earth at this time.  It is a major undertaking.  All on planet Earth are blessed indeed to be participants, although only a few of you fully understand the significance of the work, the effort, you are putting in to achieve this shift, and its importance.

Read these messages and see what resonates with you, uplifts you.  It will help to ignite a light within you, and to shift your light to a higher level and help to move you onwards and upwards towards understanding and taking on your role on earth at this time.

More than eighty channelled messages were relayed to me over a period January to September 2021, with a few beyond that date. These messages are contained in the following publication now available on Amazon:

‘Inspirational Guidance Towards a New Era - channelled messages from the Archangel Metatron’.

Metatron’s Cube