Archangel Metatron January - August 2021

Archangel Metatron - 30 January 2021  (message extract)

This is the beginning of a new phase in the annals of planet Earth.  There is much to discuss.  Much will change now and soon.  We need to change the way that earth manifests the will of God, the will of the divine. You are all here for beautiful purpose.  A divine purpose.  You need to pull together to achieve this now. Many of you have sharp recollection of why you are here and what you have come here to do.  Others have no awareness still – caught up in the dramas of the third dimensional collective running on borrowed time.  There are patterns to this progression towards the light, seen in other places where the light comes through to right and rectify the progression towards the divine.

We are at a crossroads.  We can heal this planet, together. We can build a new future for this magnificent jewel of the cosmos.  Such beauty here, a beauty most on this planet do not appreciate fully in that it is one of the most dazzlingly rich and wonderful terrains in this universe. You are all so blessed.  Wars and acrimony from many thousands of years past, affecting much of this universe, have destroyed original purpose in this experiment on planet Earth, which related to light and love and the exercise of free will in circumstances where it is not usually allowed to have free rein; choice in all things. We created a cataclysm.  Now it is the time of reparation after much work by and in the name of the divine one who is the creator of all things and whose will is paramount and will not be undone / opposed.

Joy to return to all who tread this beautiful earth.

The restoration of planet Earth will indeed be a joint effort of unity of purpose and love.

©Ann-Marie Campbell-Smith